Synthesis of Boolean networks from influence graph and dynamical constraints#

A quick tutorial showing the features of BoNesis for the synthesis of Most Permissive Boolean Networks from network architecture and dynamical constraints.

import bonesis
import pandas as pd
from colomoto_jupyter import tabulate

The synthesis uses two inputs:

  1. the domain of BNs, which can be a single BN, or specified by an influence graph

  2. a table (dictionnary) specifying the (partial) observations of the systems

Synthesis specification#

Influence graph#

Let us define an influence graph from a list of pairwise interactions, with a sign.

influences = [
dom1 = bonesis.InfluenceGraph(influences)
# computing graph layout...

Here, dom1 delimits any BN that uses at most the listed influences, with the right sign. Thus, some solutions may use only a subset of this influence graph.

If you want to enforce BNs using all the given influences, use the option exact=True:

dom2 = bonesis.InfluenceGraph(influences, exact=True)

For influence graphs with large in-degrees, it is necessary to specify a bound on the number of clauses in the disjunction normal form (DNF) of the BNs with the maxclause argument. See help(bonesis.InfluenceGraph) for other options.


They are specified by a Python dictionnary associating observation names to observed states of a subset of nodes:

data = {
    "zero": {n: 0 for n in dom1}, # all nodes are 0
    "init": {n: 1 if n == "Pax6" else 0 for n in dom1}, # all nodes are 0 but Pax6
    "tM": {"Pax6": 1, "Tuj1": 0, "Scl": 0, "Aldh1L1": 0, "Olig2": 0, "Sox8": 0},
    "fT": {"Pax6": 1, "Tuj1": 1, "Brn2": 1, "Zic1": 1, "Aldh1L1": 0, "Sox8": 0},
    "tO": {"Pax6": 1, "Tuj1": 0 ,"Scl": 0, "Aldh1L1": 0, "Olig2": 1, "Sox8": 0},    
    "fMS": {"Pax6": 1, "Tuj1": 0, "Zic1": 0, "Brn2": 0, "Aldh1L1": 0, "Sox8": 1},
    "tS": {"Pax6": 1, "Tuj1": 0, "Scl": 1, "Aldh1L1": 0, "Olig2": 0, "Sox8": 0},
    "fA": {"Pax6": 1, "Tuj1": 0, "Zic1": 0, "Brn2": 0, "Aldh1L1": 1, "Sox8": 0},
pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient="index").fillna('')
Pax6 Hes5 Mash1 Scl Olig2 Stat3 Zic1 Brn2 Tuj1 Myt1L Sox8 Aldh1L1
zero 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
init 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
tM 1 0 0 0 0 0
fT 1 1 1 1 0 0
tO 1 0 1 0 0 0
fMS 1 0 0 0 1 0
tS 1 1 0 0 0 0
fA 1 0 0 0 0 1

Dynamical properties#

bo = bonesis.BoNesis(dom1, data)

The data dictionnary specifies observations that can be used to constraint configurations (or states) of the network.

There are two shortcuts for binding a configuration to an observation: ~bo.obs("A") is a unique pre-defined configuration bound to the observation "A"; +bo.obs("A") returns a new configuration bound to "A". Thus in the following code:

cfg1 = ~bo.obs("A")
cfg2 = ~bo.obs("A")
cfg3 = +bo.obs("A")
cfg4 = +bo.obs("A")

cfg1 and cfg2 refers to the same configuration; whereas cfg3 and cfg4 may be different.

Attractor constraints#

We detail two kind of attractor constraints: fixed points and trap spaces. Both are specified with the fixed predicate, which, depending on the argument will enforce the existence of one of the two kinds of attractor.

Fixed points#

When giving a configuration as argument, fixed ensures that the configuration is a fixed point:


Trap spaces#

A trap space specification is given by an observation, which enforces that all the nodes in the given observations can never change of value (thus any reachable attractor have these nodes fixed):

fT_tp = bo.fixed(bo.obs("fT"))

Reachability constraints#

Reachability relates to the presence or absence of trajectory between two configurations.

Existence of trajectory#

They can be specified using the reach function, or equivalently the >= operator between two configurations. The right-hand side can also be a fixed constraint.

~bo.obs("init") >= ~bo.obs("tM") >= fT_tp
~bo.obs("init") >= ~bo.obs("tO") >= ~bo.obs("fMS")
~bo.obs("init") >= ~bo.obs("tS") >= ~bo.obs("fA");

Absence of trajectory#

They can be specified using the nonreach function, or equivalently the / operator between two configurations. The right-hand side can also be a fixed constraint.

~bo.obs("zero") / fT_tp
~bo.obs("zero") / ~bo.obs("fMS")
~bo.obs("zero") / ~bo.obs("fA");

Enumeration of compatible BNs#

Enumerations of solutions are done through iterators. The basic one being the boolean_networks which returns mpbn.MPBooleanNetwork objects.

for bn in bo.boolean_networks(limit=2): # limit is optional
Grounding...done in 0.0s
Aldh1L1 <- Stat3
Brn2 <- Mash1
Hes5 <- !Mash1&Pax6
Mash1 <- !Hes5&Pax6
Myt1L <- 0
Olig2 <- Hes5&!Scl
Pax6 <- Pax6
Scl <- Hes5&!Olig2
Sox8 <- Olig2
Stat3 <- Hes5&Scl
Tuj1 <- Brn2
Zic1 <- Mash1

Aldh1L1 <- Stat3
Brn2 <- Mash1
Hes5 <- !Mash1
Mash1 <- !Hes5&Pax6
Myt1L <- 1
Olig2 <- Hes5&!Scl
Pax6 <- Pax6
Scl <- Hes5&!Olig2
Sox8 <- Olig2
Stat3 <- Hes5&Scl
Tuj1 <- Zic1
Zic1 <- Mash1

Display as a table:

solutions = list(bo.boolean_networks())
Grounding...done in 0.0s
Aldh1L1 Brn2 Hes5 Mash1 Myt1L Olig2 Pax6 Scl Sox8 Stat3 Tuj1 Zic1
0 Stat3 Mash1 !Mash1 !Hes5&Pax6 1 Hes5&!Scl Pax6 Hes5&!Olig2 Olig2 Scl Brn2&Myt1L Mash1
1 Stat3 Mash1 !Mash1 !Hes5&Pax6 0 Hes5&!Scl Pax6 Hes5&!Olig2 Olig2 Scl Zic1 Mash1
2 Stat3 Mash1 !Mash1 !Hes5 1 Hes5&!Scl Pax6 Hes5&!Olig2 Olig2 Scl Brn2&Zic1 Mash1
3 Stat3 Mash1 !Mash1&Pax6 !Hes5&Pax6 Olig2 Hes5&!Scl Pax6 Hes5&!Olig2 Olig2 Scl Brn2&Zic1 Mash1
4 Stat3 Mash1 !Mash1&Pax6 !Hes5&Pax6 Olig2 Hes5&!Scl Pax6 Hes5&!Olig2 Olig2 Scl (Brn2&Myt1L)|(Brn2&Zic1) Mash1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1115 Stat3 Mash1&!Olig2 !Mash1&Pax6 !Hes5 0 Hes5&!Scl Pax6 !Olig2 Olig2 Hes5&Scl Brn2|Zic1 Mash1
1116 Stat3 Mash1 !Mash1&Pax6 !Hes5 0 Hes5&!Scl Pax6 !Olig2 Olig2 Hes5&Scl Brn2&Zic1 Mash1
1117 Stat3 Mash1&!Olig2 !Mash1&Pax6 !Hes5 0 Hes5&!Scl Pax6 !Olig2 Olig2 Hes5&Scl Brn2&Zic1 Mash1
1118 Stat3 Mash1 !Mash1 !Hes5&Pax6 0 Hes5&!Scl Pax6 !Olig2 Olig2 Hes5&Scl Brn2|Zic1 Mash1
1119 Stat3 Mash1&!Olig2 !Mash1 !Hes5&Pax6 0 Hes5&!Scl Pax6 !Olig2 Olig2 Hes5&Scl Brn2|Zic1 Mash1

1120 rows × 12 columns


Resulting objects are MPBooleanNetwor from the mpbn Python library. One can then compute reachability and attractor properties directly:

Aldh1L1 Brn2 Hes5 Mash1 Myt1L Olig2 Pax6 Scl Sox8 Stat3 Tuj1 Zic1
0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
2 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
3 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
4 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
Zic1 Tuj1 Stat3 Sox8 Scl Pax6 Olig2 Myt1L Mash1 Hes5 Brn2 Aldh1L1
0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Universal constraints#

We can also enforce universal constraints on fixed points and reachable fixed points.

Universal fixed points#

The following constraint ensures that any fixed point has to match with at least one of the observation given in argument.

bo.all_fixpoints({bo.obs(obs) for obs in ["fA", "fMS", "fT", "zero"]});

Universal reachable fixed points#

The following constraint ensures that any fixed point reachable from the configuration on left-hand side has to match with at least one of the given observation.

~bo.obs("init") >> "fixpoints" ^ {bo.obs(obs) for obs in ["fA", "fMS", "fT"]};
Grounding...done in 0.0s

Project solutions per nodes#

To better understand the composition of the different solutions, one can project the solutions on each node: given a node A, it enumerates all the Boolean functions for A that are used in at least one full solution.

The projected solutions can be accessed from the following object:

projs = bo.local_functions()
Grounding...done in 0.0s

The projs object as as_dict method which offers a diret access to all the projected solutions. By default, it will enumerate the Boolean functions for each node. The method “count” instead returns the number of solutions per node. There is also a keys parameter to specify a subset of nodes for the computation.

{'Pax6': 1,
 'Hes5': 1,
 'Mash1': 1,
 'Scl': 1,
 'Olig2': 1,
 'Stat3': 2,
 'Zic1': 1,
 'Brn2': 2,
 'Tuj1': 13,
 'Myt1L': 2,
 'Sox8': 1,
 'Aldh1L1': 1}

Note that the projected solutions gives an over-approximation of the full set of solutions: the full set of solutions is, in general, a strict subset of the cartesian product:

from functools import reduce
reduce(int.__mul__, _.values())

Access to the solutions of a specific node can be done as follows, where view is an object similar to the one returned by bo.boolean_network() (iterator over solutions).

with projs.view("Tuj1") as view:
    functions = [f for f in view]
[str(f) for f in functions]

Finally, projs has a as_dataframe method for pretty display of the projected solutions using pandas.

Pax6 Hes5 Mash1 Scl Olig2 Stat3 Zic1 Brn2 Tuj1 Myt1L Sox8 Aldh1L1
0 Pax6 !Mash1&Pax6 !Hes5&Pax6 Hes5&!Olig2 Hes5&!Scl Scl Mash1 Mash1&!Olig2 (Brn2&Zic1)|(Myt1L&Zic1) 0 Olig2 Stat3
1 Hes5&Scl Mash1 Brn2|Myt1L Olig2
2 Zic1
3 Brn2
4 Zic1|(Brn2&Myt1L)
5 Brn2|Myt1L|Zic1
6 Brn2&Zic1
7 Myt1L|Zic1
8 (Brn2&Myt1L)|(Brn2&Zic1)
9 Myt1L|(Brn2&Zic1)
10 Brn2|Zic1
11 (Brn2&Myt1L)|(Brn2&Zic1)|(Myt1L&Zic1)
12 Brn2|(Myt1L&Zic1)


A self-contained bash-script for customizing the ASP code and performing the enumeration off-line can be exported as follows.

view = bo.boolean_networks()