First CoLoMoTo meeting (Lisbon, 2010)

The first CoLoMoTo meeting was held at IGC, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal 18-19 November 2010.

Thurday, 18

14:00C. ChaouiyaWelcoming and brief overview of qualitative modelling formalisms, similarities and differences
14:15A. NaldiGINsim, implementation and functionalities
14:45T. HelikarChemchains, implementation and functionalities
15:20A. ZinovyevBinom, implementation and functionalities
15:40Coffee break
16:10J. WuCellNetOptimizer, implementation and functionalities
16:30A. Von KampCellNetAnalyzer, implementation and functionalities
17:00I. XenariosSquad, implementation and functionalities
17:30I. XenariosBiocuration
17:45P. MonteiroGNA, model checking
18:15Open discussion

Friday, 19

10:00B. SchwikowskiCytoscape, a succesful story!
10:20C. Chaouiya, D. BerenguierSBML Level 3 quali package
10:40Coffee break
11:00General discussion, objectives and strategy
12:00IGC seminar + Lunch
14:30Round table on technical issues and strategies - conclusions

Summary of discussions



Logical model editor(s)

Common, modular core, making Cytoscape 3.0 code covering node/interaction listing/annotation, graph edition, rule edition Feasibility study: Martial, Aurélien, Pedro, Benno => discussion with core Cytoscape developers Pre-defined, modifiable generic rules Interfacing with Cytoscape (+ CellDesigner, others?)

Modules: Java plugins and/or web services

Transversal issues:

Benchmarking and case studies

Organisational issues

Launching of a consortium with all the groups represented => 1 member per group to form a provisional board:

In the future, co-option of additional groups.

Possibility to mobilise EBI support, starting with the organisation of a meeting/visiting group Wiki/Webpage at IGC for the time being, with minutes of the meeting, the list of groups and representative members.

We plan to organize the next meeting at EBI or Switzerland (spring 2012?)

Funding: Some possibilities in Switzerland and EBI. We should also consider FP7, NIH and joint founding.


Funding and Acknowledgements

IGC, ENFIN, French Embassy in Portugal, City of Oeiras